Database Hosting

Affordable High Availability, get your databases now.


Database with good specs for low prices!

2.25 € / month

  • 1 VCpu
  • 1 GB ram
  • 10 GB Disk Space
  • 2x10 Gbit/s (LACP) Connectivity
  • 1 FTP Account
  • MongoDB or Redis
  • CDN77/Datapacket


Database with high specificastions for good price

9 € / month

  • 3 VCpu
  • 4 GB Ram
  • 30 GB Disk Space
  • 2x10 Gbit/s (LACP) Connectivity
  • 1 FTP Account
  • MongoDB or Redis
  • CDN77/Datapacket

Select your database driver

Here are all the database drivers you can use in our database hosting!



Database server management

Our panel offers an intuitive and flexible interface tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. Designed with user experience in mind, it allows you to effortlessly manage your online assets. Whether you're handling website configurations, managing databases, or monitoring site performance, our panel provides all the tools you need in one centralized location.

  • Full FTP Access
  • Enable/disable modules
  • Change your MongoDB/Redis version
  • View statistics and errors